From the website of Scottish Orienteering:
Now we are into May we say a sincere thank you and fond farewell to our first Independent Director, Pamela Carvell, who has served her full term as a Director.
Pamela has been a powerful voice on our Board bringing a refreshing perspective from outwith the sport. She has been a strong advocate for ensuring our compliance and development of good governance principles and practise. Pamela has consistently supported in the areas of marketing and communication which has seen us as an organisation progress considerably over the past few years.
In her own words, Pamela contributed:
“I was apprehensive about joining the board of a sport I have limited knowledge of, especially as its first Independent Director. However, the past 3 years have been both rewarding and challenging. My previous experience on a U.K. government board in sport, as well as my commercial and marketing experience enabled me to make a meaningful contribution to most matters, and my objectivity enabled me to challenge things which to everyone else were just ‘the way things are done in Orienteering!’ I believe my 3 year tenure was beneficial to myself as well as to the organisation and the sport, and I am sad to be stepping down for personal reasons.”